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I Am A Bibliophile...

Confession time...

What book do you have on your nightstand? For me I think perhaps the question should be what book DON'T I have by my bed!? Ha!

Don't be fooled, I haven't read them all... yet. But I do have good intentions. My name is Beth and I am a bibliophile. Before you call the police, it simply means I LOVE books. In my night stand stack to the right I have Edgar Cayce, C.G. Jung and Buddhist Boot Camp. To the left is some philosophy, Toltec wisdom from Don Miguel Ruiz, the secret gospel of Thomas and believe it or not, my "Good News" (new testaments) I've had since high school.

But I might be able to beat that eclectic mishmash with the stacks on the floor. Yes, I said stacks. Small business startup books, classic poetry volumes, Dr. Drew, reiki manuals, Osho on the Art of Living and Dying, some Assertiveness for Earth Angels, top it off with some Cosmic Navigator - design your destiny with Astrology and Kabbalah, then toss in a couple journals, notepads and a few decks of assorted card types... I actually don't read before turning off my light at night. Seriously. This library is usually open between 3 and 5am. Especially the journals and notepads. There truly is a connectedness during those hours - I firmly believe this. That time between my first and second sleep is sacred. I don't just read Jung, I resonate with him. The same holds true for Poe and Plato. Years ago I read fiction. I have shelves downstairs filled with Stephen King and Anne Rice. I explored imaginary worlds, perhaps in an attempt to escape my own. Then I stumbled upon a book titled "There are no Accidents" and from that day forward my spiritual inquisitiveness took over.

Tonight's read may be by Timber Hawkeye or Osho... We'll see what strikes me if/when I wake up in a few hours.

If you enjoy fiction - that's awesome, too. Read what you enjoy. Expand your imagination and visit those places you dream about through those pages. You prefer your Kindle? I won't knock it.

But for me, I prefer the smell of a real honest to goodness book. I love the feel of the paper as I turn the pages. My name is Beth and I am a bibliophile. Peace, Beth

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